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Better Wellbeing
Better Wellbeing is a health conscious company that believes in living a balanced lifestyle, while doing our part create a more sustainable future for all of humanity and the world at large. We love everything eco-friendly and organic, as well as sharing our knowledge and experience to help other live happier, healthier lives.
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Friday, April 17, 2015

postheadericon The Four Agreements

The Four Agreements: A book you can read 100 times

I wanted to share with you today one of my favorite books of all time, The Four Agreements. The first time I read the book was almost 15 years ago, and since then, I've re-read it at least 5 times. Every time I read this book, I have deeper understanding of the four agreements. As you start to implement these agreements into your life, you'll experience greater awareness and happiness. This book is a quick and easy read, which makes it great for everyone.

The First Agreement: Be Impeccable With Your Word

We all have our moments when we just start talking without thinking through what we are saying or if we truly mean what we say. This first agreement asks you to be impeccable with your word. Say only what you truly mean. Avoid hurtful gossip or saying something rude to someone. Words are powerful, so always do your best to choose your words wisely and speak with integrity.

The Second Agreement: Don't Take Anything Personally

This was a big one for me when I first read this book. I used to take everything personally. When someone said something hurtful to me, I took it personally and let it bring me down. I now understand that when someone else is upset and says something hurtful to me, it's really a reflection of their misery and not mine. It's counterproductive to allow yourself to be a victim and suffer. Just realize that what other project onto you is coming from the pain in their life and doesn't need to affect you. Don't take it personally.

The Third Agreement: Don't Make Assumptions

Coming from a family full of females, I've realized that this is one of the biggest ways to avoid drama. The moment you interpret a situation and add your own assumptions to it, you've created a lie that will only turn around and cause misunderstanding and drama. Making assumptions puts your perception of reality into a world you created that is not real. Always clarify by asking questions and getting the whole story. Communication and clarity will bring peace, while assumptions and misunderstandings only bring stress and drama.

The Fourth Agreement: Always Do Your Best

This may seem simple, but it's important. If you're always doing your best each day, with every activity you do, with whatever your best is for that day, you'll never have regrets or need to judge yourself. Our best from day to day will change. On days you're sick or didn't get enough sleep, you best is going to be different than on days when you feel rested and have energy and that's okay. Do what you can in the moment, and know that you're living up to your full potential.

There's a lot more detailed examples and stories in the book to help you understand these agreements better. You'll also learn the history of Toltec wisdom that inspired these agreements. Don Miguel Ruiz is a wonderful writer that will inspire your life. If you like The Four Agreements, you'll also like his other books The Fifth Agreement, The Mastery of Love, and The Voice of Knowledge. I've read them all, and most of them multiple times. Like I said before, each time you read one of Don Miguel Ruiz's books, you'll find new meaning and inspiration. As your life, awareness, and perception evolves over the years, you will find new examples in your own life and see the progress you make with your own awareness. Find more inspirational books in our New Age Books category.