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Better Wellbeing
Better Wellbeing is a health conscious company that believes in living a balanced lifestyle, while doing our part create a more sustainable future for all of humanity and the world at large. We love everything eco-friendly and organic, as well as sharing our knowledge and experience to help other live happier, healthier lives.
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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

postheadericon Benefits of Pilates

The Benefits Of Pilates

I've taught Pilates for 3 years now, and have been practicing Pilates for over 10 years. There are still many people who don't know what Pilates is or what the possible benefits are. In the Pilates repertoire, there are hundreds of exercises each with their own breath pattern. The exercises range from a single joint movement to isolate a specific muscle group to full body movements that challenge your coordination, strength, and flexibility in new ways. There are multiple apparatus that can be use for Pilates training including just your own body on the floor. Many of the apparatus use spring resistance to intensify your strengthening workout. Because of the nature, variety, and progression of movement patterns, Pilates is excellent for rehabbing injuries and cross training for other sports. Let's take a look at some of the major benefits of Pilates training.

1. Pilates Develops A Strong Core

Every Pilates exercise integrates full body awareness. Your alignment is crucial for getting the most out of each exercise, therefore your core is stabilizing your torso and pelvis in every movement. Whether you are performing an exercise where you roll through your spine and actively engage your core muscles or you are performing arm strengthening exercises where you must maintain optimal alignment in your posture by engaging your core, you are always working your mid section in Pilates.

2. Pilates Improves Your Posture

Because your alignment and technique are essential in Pilates, it automatically gives you better posture. Good posture is part of every Pilates exercise. Each exercise is designed to stack the body correctly and engage your deep postural muscles while working in various movement patterns. This type of postural strengthening is also essential for reducing and preventing chronic low back pain.

3. Pilates Improves Your Coordination

Pilates incorporates unique patterns of movements that you may not find in any other type of workout. You will be circling your legs in various directions and compiling multiple movements into one flowing exercise. As you advance your exercises, certain body segments will be stabilized while isolating various joints and moving at different speeds and directions agains spring resistance and a moving carriage. Your coordination will improve with practice.

4. Pilates Improves Muscle Tone 

Pilates is a strengthening workout that will help you to improve your overall muscle tone. Performing exercises agains spring resistance or gravity tones the body. Many of the exercises in Pilates can be quite challenging. With a variety of modifications and progressions, Pilates can be designed as an excellent workout for all levels.

5. Pilates Improves Flexibility 

Because many of the dynamic exercises move in large ranges of motion, you will also gain flexibility in Pilates. Over time your body will ease into the exercise and your practice will deepen through added strength and flexibility. There are specific stretches that may be incorporated into your workout, but the dynamic stretching while simultaneously strengthening is key for your health.

6. Pilates Improves Sports Performance

With many sports and activities, there tends to be repetitive movements that create an imbalance in the body. Certain muscle groups tend to get over worked while other muscle groups get weaker. Pilates is an excellent way to improve your other sports conditioning because it will help balance your body by working all of your muscle groups including your feet.

7. Pilates Prevents Injuries

Most injuries occur because of muscular imbalances. By strengthening your entire body and keeping your body flexible, you are less likely to incur an injury. The balance of muscular strength helps with decreasing risk of sports injuries. Overall muscle tone in the core and lower body with increased coordination can help with injuries due to aging. 

If you're interested in getting into shape with Pilates, check out our Pilates DVDs and Exercise Books. We also offer a variety of Pilates and Yoga Kits so you can workout at home with your props and workout Mat. Leave comments on your favorite Pilates exercises and questions regarding your Pilates practice.